This comprehensive book will discuss most every topic pertaining to personal and physical security. Learn how to be secure at home, work, school, shopping, parks and any other location. Even when you are how to be secure at home, work, school, shopping, parks and any other location. Even when you are traveling or away from home. This book will explain our country's monumental missing‐person and violence issues; and tell you what we can do to help. Learn more about: missing‐person incidents and who to contact for immediate help, personalized and family security plans, emergency situations and notifications, violent criminals and attacks, sexual predators and registered sex offenders, kidnappings and parental abductions, Internet security and cybercrimes, social networking and predators, stalking and counter‐surveillance, human trafficking and exploitation, child/adult pornography and prostitution, dating and date‐rape drugs, runaways and depression, family communication and support, the latest security equipment and technology, and much more.
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