The author spent more than 30 years as a Special Agent, first with the United States Customs Service, then as the agency transitioned into Homeland Security Investigations. This story starts when the author was a 25-year-old newly-hired Special Agent in Key Largo, lured in by the excitement of the "War on Drugs." He would soon find himself on the front lines of that war, usually taking place at night on sleek go-fast boats off the Florida Keys, or sneaking around in the thick mangrove jungles chasing smugglers. When he arrived at the small office, the former boss was a wanted fugitive, having flipped to the dark side smuggling his own lucrative loads.Power, and the other young agents would have to learn quickly to try to stop the flow of tons of drugs into our country. Brazen smugglers were running huge loads of cocaine or marijuana using their own powerful offshore racing boats under the cover of darkness. Other clever smugglers were hiding their illicit cargo almost in plain sight, hidden inside elaborate secret compartments. This game of cat and mouse was played out almost every day and night, sometimes with deadly results.
Author Kevin Power |