Book Showcase

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Posted by Dr. Honeydew in Books


More than three years in the making, this book changes everything for Alzheimer's couples and caregivers. When her husband Mike was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, Rosalys Peel made a deal with him. Together, they vowed that they would manage Alzheimer's in their own home and go right on living life as normally as possible for as long as possible. Over the next ten years they found new ways to defy and surpass virtually all the typical Alzheimer's statistics. Despite Mike's illness they pursued their dreams, traveled the world, helped raise their granddaughter, maintained their romance, kept Mike on his feet, and found new ways to communicate with their friends, family and each other. They also saved countess thousands of dollars by doing it in the familiar surroundings of their own home. Through it all Rosalys kept a journal of their discoveries. The result is her inspiring guidebook for Alzheimer's couples, entitled Mike & Me.

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