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Posted by Dr. Honeydew in Books never


U.S. Customs Special Agent Jimmy Maxwell has narcotics smuggler/trafficker Angel Garcia in his crosshairs. It is the late 1990's and being on the perilous front lines of the War on Drugs is not for the faint of heart. Angel Garcia is just one step away from an arrest, but the overload of drug-related smuggling cases flooding the Ports of Entry in the San Diego area is hampering Jimmy Maxwell's investigation. To top it all, Jimmy's home life is rapidly deteriorating. Jimmy thought that Angel's ex-wife might be able to help in his investigation, but when their unexpected attraction turns into something more, it puts his rocky marriage on a collision course with his professional life. As the pressures of job and personal life reach boiling points, Jimmy finds that he is being forced to make choices that threaten to overwhelm his understanding of right and wrong. Author Bio: ABOUT THE AUTHOR-Timothy L. Daniels has nearly 22 years of experience as a Special Agent/Criminal Investigator with Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the San Diego area. He currently supervises a group of Special Agents in border narcotics investigations. A Target Rich Environment is his first novel.

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